Reading & Libraries
Autistic Voices
Adult and children's fiction and non-fiction books on autism by autistic writers
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It is important to us that our libraries always feel like a welcoming and inclusive environment to everyone who steps foot through our door. We recognise the large role that sufficient representation can play in this feeling of security and therefore prioritise championing a range of voices, including disabled and neurodiverse authors.
Autistic Voices Book List
Our Autistic Voices book list features adult and children's fiction and non-fiction books on autism by autistic writers.
Dyslexia Friendly Books
We have a wide variety of dyslexia-friendly books for children and adults alike. Our growing collection of Clarity Books for adults are easier for dyslexic people to read due to the large print format and less-contrasting font and paper colour.
Recommendations for Visually Impaired Readers
We have a range of alternative reading formats that are an accessible option for our visually impaired readers. This includes multiple forms of e-resources as well as Braille and large print formats.
Reading & Libraries
Adult and children's fiction and non-fiction books on autism by autistic writers
Reading & Libraries
Our dyslexia friendly books have: dyslexia friendly font, accessible layouts and heavier tinted paper
Reading & Libraries
Check out our range of alternative reading formats that are an accessible option for our visually impaired readers