Reading & Libraries
True stories and fiction about autism available from Inspire Libraries.
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Our librarians have gathered the best book titles about health and wellbeing and compiled them into booklists. You can also find these and other titles in an special section at some Inspire libraries.
Much more than self help guides. Our booklists include high-quality titles specialising in mental health, wellbeing, autism awareness and related literature as well as dyslexia friendly books.
Click on the book covers to find the books on our online catalogue.
Reading & Libraries
True stories and fiction about autism available from Inspire Libraries.
Reading & Libraries
True stories and fiction about dementia available from Inspire Libraries.
Reading & Libraries
Dyslexia Friendly books for children and young adults.
Reading & Libraries
Mental health and wellbeing e-resources available for Inspire Library members to borrow for free. Just click on the book cover to go through to the book on our e-resources website.