
Three Marvellous Makers Mini Challenge folders propped up on a table

2024 Mini Challenge collector cards.  The front page can be coloured in.

The Mini Challenge is a bite sized version of the Summer Reading Challenge for our youngest readers. 

Children collect stickers on a special collector card for the books they borrow and read. 

 For children aged 3 and under.

How does the mini challenge work?

The inside of a Marvellous Makers Mini Challenge folder, half complete with three stickers

A partially completed collector 2024 Summer Reading Challenge card.

  • Sign up at your local library for free.
  • Choose any books your child likes.
  • Read and share the stories together.
  • Collect a sticker for each book to fill up the collector card.
  • Collect six stickers to complete the mini challenge and earn a  special gold sticker.