Reading & Libraries
Our ebook provider BorrowBox offers great choice covering the most popular children's fiction and non fiction titles. Just login with your library card number and pin to begin downloading and enjoying fantastic books.
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We have thousands of free e-resources suitable for children to borrow. Why not give our e-services a try, all you need is your library card number and pin to begin borrowing.
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Reading & Libraries
Our ebook provider BorrowBox offers great choice covering the most popular children's fiction and non fiction titles. Just login with your library card number and pin to begin downloading and enjoying fantastic books.
Reading & Libraries
Fancy listening to your favourite book? Why not try our three eaudio suppliers who provide spoken word suitable for all ages.
Reading & Libraries
Gain access to over 150 magazines with our two eMagazine providers many of which are specifically aimed at children including The Beano, The Week Junior, First News and Gaming.
Reading & Libraries
Gain access to newspapers from around the UK and the World including specialist Children's newspaper First News.
Reading & Libraries
Our children's reading recommendations all available for free in our libraries or online!
Need some help deciding what to read next? Who Next can help. Look up your favourite authors to find out which other author you might enjoy. Log in with your library card number, then select 'Inspire Culture' to get started.