Reading & Libraries
The Mini Challenge is bite sized version of the Summer Reading Challenge for our youngest readers. Children collect stickers on a special collector card for the books they borrow and read.
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The Summer Reading Challenge is produced by The Reading Agency and runs in libraries all over the country. The challenge, aimed at children aged 4 to 11 years, is to read six or more library books over the summer. In libraries, there are stickers and other rewards for every book read and children who complete the challenge are awarded a medal and a certificate. Children taking part online earn digital badges and other online rewards, with a certificate at the end of the challenge.
Story Garden illustrations by Dapo Adeola, illustrations and logo © The Reading Agency 2025
The 2025 Summer Reading Challenge will be Story Garden inspiring children to tap into a world of imagination through reading. Story Garden will celebratre nature and the great outdoors, exploring adventures, fantasy and the magical world of storytelling.
This year's Challenge features artwork from award-winning illustrator Dapo Adeola, whose illustrations will bring the Story Garden theme to life; creating an enchanting world where children can find magical creatures, plants and flowers to inspire their next reading adventure.
The challenge will be available in all Inspire libraries from Saturday 5 July.
Summer Reading Challenge 2024 medal winner
Children who take part:
To find out more click here
The Challenge has a different theme every year. The 2024 Summer Reading Challenge, developed in collaboration with Create, a leading arts charity celebrated creativity, imagination and the power of reading.
Also in 2024 our friends at arcpartnership sponsored a free prize draw, offering everyone who completed the challenge a chance to win some Crayola goodies, and allowed us to offer a small pack of crayons as an extra reward at the end of the challenge.
8,165 children in Nottinghamshire took part in the challenge in 2024 (including the Mini Challenge).
Mini Challenge: There is a bite sized version of the Summer Reading Challenge is also available for children aged 3 and under. Find out more.
Children can also take part online for digital rewards at summerreadingchallenge.org.uk (children will be asked to privide a parent/carer email address to approve sign up
Children can read any books they like on the Summer Reading Challenge; stories, fact books, poetry, jokes, graphic novels.
Our children's book recommendations page has inspiration. There are lots of ebooks and audio books that can be borrowed from the library online to help complete the online challenge.
Explore a selection of books inspired by the 2024 Summer Reading Challenge theme on our pintrest board below; celebrating the power of imagination, creativity and reading.
Reading & Libraries
The Mini Challenge is bite sized version of the Summer Reading Challenge for our youngest readers. Children collect stickers on a special collector card for the books they borrow and read.
Arts & Culture
Each year Inspire commissions an artist and author to create and deliver a programme of visual art and literacy activity with our libraries for children and families, inspired by and linked to the Summer Reading Challenge.
Reading & Libraries
We have thousands of free e-resources suitable for children to borrow. Why not give our e-services a try, all you need is your library card number and pin to begin borrowing.
Reading & Libraries
Find your nearest library here. All Inspire libraries are taking part in the Summer Reading Challenge