Accredited Courses

Our free and funded qualifications will give you the skills you need, to get the job you want. Approved by a professional awarding body, our accredited courses can make you more desirable to employers, whether that’s being offered a better salary, the chance of promotion, or just getting your foot in the door.

Adult learning logo with a colourful petal design taken from the main Inspire logo

Our accredited courses are delivered at convenient locations across Nottinghamshire as well as online. 

They have set criteria for you to achieve in line with awarding body standards and upon completion, you’ll receive a qualification certificate recognised by employers.

Our level 1 and 2 courses are funded through the Adult Education Budget (AEB), meaning your course could be fully or part-funded, depending on your circumstances.

As part of our commitment to delivering inspirational and achievable qualifications that will give you the skills you need, to get the job you want, funding is also available for some of our level 3 courses. This means, some of our level 3 courses could be completely FREE!

Browse funded courses below or view our accredited courses brochure at the bottom of the page. 

View our Accredited Courses brochure below