Friends of Nottinghamshire Archives

Online Events, Nottingham

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Lockdown 2020: the first 100 days. 

Virtual launch of a new beautifully illustrated book is a compilation of extracts from 13 diaries written during the first lockdown published by the Friends of Nottinghamshire Archives. Arranged in themes, the book covers a whole range of new experiences from what is the best way to shop to the emotional shock of not being able to see or touch loved ones, and environmental change to supporting the NHS. Some of the diarists have contributed to this short video so have a listen to what they have to say.


FONA – Friends of Nottinghamshire Archives

If you are interested in or have used Archives for research then watch this video which looks at the some of the things that FONA has done to support Nottinghamshire Archives and involve its members, particularly during lockdown as it adapted to the restrictions. It also looks at some of the ideas and suggestions for how it will develop in the future. 

This content has been supplied as part of The Great Nottinghamshire Local History Fair - click here to see even more videos from a range of groups from across the county!

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