Author Event: Victoria Smith

West Bridgford Library, Nottingham

Venue West Bridgford Library
Book cover for Hags by Victoria Smith

Join Victoria Smith as she talks about her book Hags: the Demonisation of Middle Aged Women.

What is it about women in their forties and beyond that seems to enrage - almost everyone? Victoria asks why these women  are treated with such active disdain. Each chapter takes a different theme such as care work, beauty, violence - and explores it in relation to middle-aged women’s beliefs, bodies, histories and choices. Victoria traces the attitudes she describes through  history, and explores the very specific reasons why this type of misogyny is so powerful today.

Photo of author Victoria Smith - a white woman with dark brown hair, wearing a black t-shirt.

Victoria is a prize nominated author, and journalist. Victoria is a regular contributor to the New Statesman and the Independent, focusing on women’s issues, parenting and mental health. Hags was published in paperback, March 2024 and was shortlisted for the Nero Book Awards in 2023.

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