Problem Solving at Work (Level 1)

Problem solving skills are essential in any career at every level, but they're also useful in other areas of life such as relationships and decision making. If you want to develop your problem solving skills our Problem Solving at Work Level 1 qualification will help you develop a 'hands-on' approach whilst gaining practical skills, knowledge and understanding.

The course is a unit from the Level 1 Award in Exploring Occupational Studies qualification and is intended to be accessible to a wide range of learners of all abilities.  The skills, knowledge and understanding gained may help you prepare for work through real or simulated work situations and may contribute to preparing you for working life beyond education.

What will we cover?

Our Problem Solving at Work Level 1 qualification covers:

  • The different types of problem you might encounter in a place of work
  • How problems can be solved
  • How to recognise possible solutions to a specific problem.

Who is the course for?

The course is for adults (19+) who may wish to learn about problem-solving strategies which can be applied to current or future roles and gain a formal qualification.

How can I progress after completing the course?

Upon completion of this course you could progress to other Inspire courses:

  • Level 1 Award in Employability Skills
  • Level 2 Award or Certificate in Employability Skills.

Course cost

The cost of this course is FREE/£60.75.

1)  Free - if you earn less than £20,319 or are on a means-tested benefit.

2) Payment help available - if you earn more than £20,319 but are on a low-income, we might be able to help pay part or all of your course fees. Email: for an application form or if you have any questions.

3) Co-funded - if you are on a higher-income, the government will pay approximately half of your course fees. 

For more information call us on 01623 677 200 or email

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