Leisure and Culture Courses

Welcome to our new programme of leisure and culture courses!

To get our latest news and information, and details of our new courses direct to your inbox sign up to Inspire Learning Emails, or follow us on Facebook @InspireLearningSkills and Twitter @Learn_Inspire. 

If you're feeling inspired by our leisure and culture courses, don't forget to browse Inspire's current range of virtual exhibitions including The Big Draw 2020: A Climate of Change, Hats 400, Home Cooked Heritage and more!

Plus, if you're interested in knitting and crochet, be sure to take part in Knittinghamshire! This year the Miner2Major Landscape Partnership Scheme and the RSPB at Sherwood Forest are joining Inspire to support Nottinghamshire crafters to take part in The Innocent Big Knit and raise money for AgeUK

Events in this series