Level 2 Certificate in Mental Health Awareness

Our level 2 certificate in mental health awareness can be studied online from the comfort of your own home and aims to raise awareness of mental health, and a range of mental health conditions. It consists of 1 larger unit and 9 smaller units:

Unit 01: Understanding Mental Health

In this unit you will:

• Learn what is meant by mental health and mental ill-health

• Understand its impact

• Look at the legal frameworks that ensure high-quality care is provided

Unit 02: Understanding Stress

In this unit you will:

• Understand stress and its causes

• Develop an appreciation for what stress feels like

• Identify symptoms of stress and stress management techniques

Unit 03: Understanding Anxiety

In this unit you will:

• Understand anxiety and its causes

• Identify the symptoms of anxiety

• Discover ways in which anxiety can be managed and treated

• Understand the roles and needs of family and friends

Unit 04: Phobias

In this unit you will:

• Understand the causes of phobias

• Develop an appreciation of what a phobia feels like, and symptoms that may be experienced

• Identify techniques to manage and treat phobias

• Understand the roles needed of family and friends

Unit 05: Understanding Depression

In this unit you will:

• Understand depression and its causes

• Develop an appreciation for what depression feels like, and the symptoms experienced

• Learn techniques to manage and treat depression

• Gain an understanding of the roles and needs of family and friends

Unit 06: Understanding Post-natal Depression

In this unit you will:

• Understand post-natal depression and its causes

• Identify symptoms of post-natal depression

• Discover ways in which post-natal depression can be managed and treated

• Understand the roles and needs of family and friends

Unit 07: Understanding Bipolar Disorder

In this unit you will:

• Understand bipolar disorder and its causes

• Identify the symptoms of bipolar disorder

• Discover ways in which bipolar disorder can be managed and treated

• Understand the roles and needs of family and friends

Unit 04: Understanding Schizophrenia

In this unit you will:

• Understand the causes of schizophrenia

• Develop an appreciation of what schizophrenia

• Identify symptoms that may be experienced

• Learn techniques to manage and treat schizophrenia

• Understand the roles needed of family and friends

Unit 05: Understanding Dementia

In this unit you will:

• Understand dementia and its causes

• Develop an appreciation for what dementia feels like

• Identify the symptoms experienced

• Learn techniques to manage and treat dementia

• Gain an understanding of the roles and needs of family and friends

Unit 06: Understanding Eating Disorders

In this unit you will:

• Understand eating disorders and their causes

• Identify the symptoms of an eating disorder

• Discover ways in which eating disorders can be managed and treated

• Understand the roles and needs of family and friends

Course dates and times:

Please browse course start dates and times below. 

Course cost:

The cost of this course is free/£292.50.

1) Free - if you earn less than £20,319 annual gross salary or are on a means-tested benefit.

2) Payment help available - if you earn more than £20,319 (annual gross salary) but are on a low-income, we might be able to help pay part or all of your course fees. Email: learning@inspireculture.org.uk for an application form or if you have any questions.

3) Co-funded - if you are on a higher-income, the government will pay approximately half of your course fees. 

For more information, please call 01623 677 200 or email learning@inspireculture.org.uk.

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