Previous Productions: Ruby's Worry

In June 2024 MishMash Productions, presented Ruby's Worry, in partnership with Nottingham City Libraries and with support from Inspire: Culture, Learning and Libraries; Leicestershire Libraries and with funding from Arts Council England

Illustrated character Ruby, in blue checked dress, stands looking worriedly at a grey scribble 'worry'  looking back at her. Text reads Ruby's Worry.  Ruby has always been happy..perfectly happy..until one day..she discovered a worry.

Illustration © Tom Percival 

Ruby had always been happy, perfectly happy…until one day…she discovered a worry… 

Ruby tried and tried to get rid of her worry, which grew bigger and bigger!  Eventually she met a boy who had a worry too. Together they discovered that everyone has worries, and that if you talk about them, they never hang around for long!  

Based on the book Ruby’s Worry, written and illustrated by Tom Percival and published by Bloomsbury, this production took audiences on a delightful musical adventure, told through live music, song, puppetry and physical theatre.

Key themes:  Empathy, Feelings and Emotional Wellbeing

The show was watched by 342 key stage 1 pupils from six Nottinghamshire schools.

Photographs:  Tom Platinum Morley

What teachers said about the show

We loved the show, it was engaging and thought provoking.

Very engaging and a great way to get an important message across.

Continuing Professional Development

As part of the performance offer, Schools were given the chance to take part in a free Online CPD Training session run by Empathy Lab.

After the performances, schools were sent an EYFS and KS1 Resource Pack, with more information about the music in the show and suggested follow-up activities,  all linking to what pupils had seen and heard during the performance.

The logos for MishMash productions, Nottingham City Council, Nottingham City Libraries, Leicestershire Libraries, Leicestershire County Libraries and Arts Council England