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Nottinghamshire's 'Singing Hub School' model
Our Singing Hub Schools are an essential element of the Nottinghamshire Music Hub's vocal strategy at the Primary phase. We are committed to developing a singing strategy to ensure that every pupil sings regularly and that choirs and other vocal ensembles are available in the area.
Sparkyard Song Subscription Service NEW from Out of the Ark music
An exclusive 30% off Hub discount on 1 year licences
Exclusively for Nottinghamshire county maintained and academy schools
More more details, please email us c/o nottsmusichub@inspireculture.org.uk
Our vision is for a Singing Hub School in each of the 7 districts of Nottinghamshire. We hope to link schools together leading to joint choirs, musicals and other shared performances providing progressive singing opportunities for all within their locality.
We select schools with a proven track record of singing in school and that can provide the capacity to host events and support other schools. We look for schools with vocal groups which are popular with boys and girls, and that can demonstrate that singing is at the heart of school life.
What they do;
* Assist other primary schools in creating and implementing their own singing strategies
* Host an annual twilight CPD event for the primary schools in their district
* Facilitate one Year 6 to Year 7 transition project within a family of schools
* Provide mentoring support to the primary schools ion their area
Who they are
Ashfield: Croft Primary - Singing Lead Mr Hinchley - CroftMusic on Twitter/ X
Greenwood Primary - Singing Lead Ms Gilbody
Broxtowe: Transition year *23-24 TBC*
Bassetlaw: Singing coordinator Daniela Smith c/o nottsmusichub@inpsireculture.org.uk
Gedling: Willow Farm Primary School- Singing Lead teacher - Mrs Kirkham
Mansfield: Abbey Primary School - Singing Lead teacher - Mr Kirkland
Newark: John Blow School - Singing Lead Teacher - Mr Barnard
Rushcliffe: Orston Primary School - Singing Lead teacher - Ms Crosby
Learn about our rolling LIVE event opportunities here
Singing Hub School Festivals
All districts are invited annually to join us in the summer term for an afternoon of singing, with their own family of school choirs.
Big Sing and Little Big Sing programme
All districts and boroughs participate in our Big (and Little) Sing programme throughout the year. Typically they are led by our Inspire Music vocal staff in partnership with academy families of infants schools (Little Big Sing) and primary schools (Big Sing).
Email us c/o nottsmusichub@inspireculture.org.uk to request details
Out of School - Inspirations
Read more about our Inspirations mixed voice choir for singers in school years 4-8 singers: www.inspireculture.org.uk/inspirationschoir/
Current partners - singing activity
National Youth Choir
Halle Orchestra + The Royal Concert Hall, Nottingham
Music For Everyone
Mark De Lisser
Opera North
Get details on our current Music Hub Diary here:
Want to know more about our KS2 vocal work?
Email us via nottsmusichub@inspireculture.org.uk for ideas on how your school can get involved.