Services for Schools
Contribute ideas for unique BBC orchestra concert in Nottingham
The BBC Concert Orchestra will be performing in Nottingham on 10th November 2025, broadcast on nati…
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If you are a Nottinghamshire maintained or academy school with pupils pursuing a music focused Arts Award, get in touch with us as we may be able to offer additional support and opportunities.
FREE Arts Award support for Nottinghamshire* County maintained and academy schools
2020-21 Academic Year
This year we will be offering support on the following projects:
DISCOVER resources for the Big Red Rock EFFS event TBC March 2021
EXPLORE resources for the Mark De Lisser KS2 online concert TBC June 2021
EXPLORER resources for the Halle KS2 online concert TBC July 2021
Coming soon:
BRONZE Award templates for KS3+
DISCOVER Hub offer - FREE moderation
1/ Nottinghamshire* maintained and academy primary schools can register their interest with the Hub via nottsmusichub@inspireculture.org.uk . This is so we can check your school's eligibility for FREE moderation. You will then be allocated a named Inspire Arts Award Music contact.
2/ Download FREE prepared templates
3/ Complete your Arts Award.
4/ Email your named Inspire Arts Award Music contact who will talk you through moderation.
EXPLORE Hub offer - SUBSIDISED moderation
1/ Nottinghamshire* maintained and academy schools can register their interest with the Hub via nottsmusichub@inspireculture.org.uk so we can check your school's eligibility for SUBSIDISED moderation, provide a quote and discuss your moderation requirements. You will then be allocated a named Inspire Arts Award Music contact.
2/ Download FREE prepared templates
3/ Complete your Arts Award.
4/ Email your named Inspire Arts Award Music contact who will talk you through moderation.
Please note that Nottinghamshire Music Hub has funds available to support moderation costs for County based maintained and academy schools only.
More opportunities to come. Follow us @nottsmusichub on Twitter / Facebook for updates.
Getting other support for Arts Awards
To discuss your requirements, please email one of our Arts Awards music advisers c/o nottsmusichub@inspireculture.org.uk
Arts Award advice: please email us c/o nottsmusichub@inspireculture.org.uk