Join the Partnership Board for Nottingham and Nottinghamshire Music Hub!

Passionate about music and young people? Do you have the skills and time to offer? 

We are the new music hub partnership board for the new music hub covering Nottingham and Nottinghamshire. The board will provide scrutiny, support and skills to ensure music education thrives and develops, works in partnership, draws in new resources and delivers the music education plan with children and young people at its heart. We are looking to appoint committed and enthusiastic board members who can bring their own creativity, connections and expertise to the hub. We are looking for board members who can provide strategic direction, ensure the hub is delivering the music education plan and will develop and support partnerships to maximise the opportunities for young people to hear, learn and play music.

About the Opportunity

We are aiming to develop a partnership board that can ensure the hub is led and developed to meet the needs of young people from all backgrounds, provide the scrutiny of plans, performance and expenditure as well as enable the hub to bring together key stakeholders as partners to ensure young people get the best opportunities to perform, learn and enjoy music in Nottingham and Nottinghamshire. 

Who are we seeking? We want to build an inclusive and diverse partnership board including some or all of the following:

  • Senior Educational Leaders - Primary, Secondary and Special Education Needs schools/sectors
  • Young Person/ Student
  • Member from Higher Education
  • Members from the creative/ cultural/ youth/ community sectors
  • Members from the local business community with relevant skills and a passion for inclusive music education

The board will also include a member from the Inspire board and a member from the Nottingham Music Service board and will be led by an independent chair.

Choirs concert March2023 FHA boy singer.png

Length of Appointment

Terms of office are for 3 years, with a maximum of two terms of office.

The Role of the Board Member

All board members are required to act in the best interests of the partnership within its rules, code of practice and relevant legislation.

Time Commitment

There are 4 meetings a year. Meetings will be hybrid. Board members will be expected to have read papers in advance of meetings and are available to attend development sessions and performances as required.

Further Information


If you are interested please contact Katharine Say - Executive Officer on 0115 804 4449 or email to arrange an informal discussion with one of the team.

We will ask you to submit a short expression of interest outlining why you would like to be a member of the partnership board and what skills and resources you will be able to bring to the partnership.

Closing date for expressions of interest: Friday 21st March 2025

Selection panels will be held: Friday 28th and Monday 31st March 2025