Service Disruptions

Keep up to date on this page with service disruptions and changes across Inspire. Updates are posted here, on individual library pages and on social media @Notts Libraries (Facebook and Twitter/ X). 

You will normally be contacted direct if an event or course is cancelled. Please note we only offer ticket refunds in the event of cancellations by Inspire. 

Ask Inspire can be contacted on 01623 677 200 and

Current Service Disruptions

Important notices

Dukeries Library Closure - Friday 26 July - Tuesday 3 September

The Dukeries Library will be closed from 12.30pm on Friday 26 July until Tuesday 3 September, as the library is open in term-time only. 

Carlton Library Planned Closure

Carlton Library will be closed from the 27th of June 2024 for approximately one month due to maintenance work. 

We apologise for any inconvenience caused. 

Ladybrook Library closed on Thursday 4 July

Ladybrook Library will be closed on Thursday 4 July. This is due to the building being used as a Polling Station. The library will re-open as normal on Saturday 6 July at 9am.

We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.

Eastwood Library - No access to first floor.

For reasons of fire safety, there is currently no public access to the first floor at Eastwood Library whilst we await the replacement of a fire door.

The meeting room is still accessible for existing bookings. 

We apologise for any inconvenience.

Balderton Library - Extended hours

During Newark Library's planned closure and due to the delay to reopening Newark Library, we have extended Balderton Library's opening hours. There are also extra regular groups, including Rattle Rhyme and Roll, during this period. Please visit the Newark Library Planned Closure page for more information and details.

Newark Library Planned Closure from Wednesday 17 January

Newark Library is now closed for essential planned building maintenance work to its heating and cooling systems from Wednesday 17 January 2024 at 6.30pm. The reopening of Newark Library has been delayed. Find out more by reading our news article. 

During the closure you can use your library card at any library throughout Nottinghamshire. Your nearest library is also in Newark – Balderton Library on Main Street, Balderton, Newark, NG24 3NP. 

Balderton Library provides access to public computers, stocks a full range of books, and from Thursday 18 January, will have extended opening hours: Monday – Friday 9am-6pm and Saturday 9am-4pm. As well as Balderton’s regular Thursday 2.30pm Rattle, Rhyme and Roll for babies and toddlers, you will also be able to enjoy an extra session every Tuesday at 2.30pm. Furthermore, Newark Library’s popular Crime Reading Group and its Heritage Café will also move to Balderton Library during the closure period.

On Saturdays, 10am-3pm starting Saturday 20 January 2024, the Inspire Centre at Newark’s Buttermarket will host regular library activities including Rattle, Rhyme and Roll sessions, children’s story times, Lego and Games clubs for families, as well as Scrabble sessions, Crafty Natters and Places of Welcome for adults. 

Extended hours and extra regular events at Balderton Library and the Buttermarket will continue during the delay to reopening Newark Library. 

Newark Book Festival events planned to be held at Newark Library have been relocated. Visit the Newark Book Festival website for more information.

You can also find information about new event venues, as well as regular groups and activities on our Newark Library Planned Closure page.

Gotham Library Closure

Gotham Library Closure  Due to a fire in Gotham Memorial Hall, Gotham Library will be closed for the foreseeable future. From 27 March 2023, Gotham will be serviced by a mobile library which will visit the Memorial Hall car park (8 Meadow End, Gotham, NG11 0HP) between 10:15am and 1:15pm on selected dates. Find out more here.

Defibrillators in our buildings

Some of our libraries have defibrillators on site that can be used by members of the public if required. Look for "defibrillator" on the right-hand facilities list of each library page, or contact Ask Inspire on 01623 677200 to check for availability at a library near you.

Any faults or access issues regarding defibrillators on Inspire premises will be listed below:

Website Issues

You may experience a web page layout error which obstructs fields from view when inputting your password details to renew your account login; if your browser displays such a layout error, please contact the Ask Inspire team on 01623 677 200 who will assist you with your password and/or book renewal.

ASK Inspire

Contact Ask Inspire if you need any more help or information about current service levels.

01623 677 200