Kirkby-in-Ashfield Library and Learning Centre

Published 12th February 2025

2025 Inspire Awards Facebook Cover.png

Nominations for 1 April 2023 to 31 March 2025 now open!

Have you been inspired by a colleague, learner, community group, tutor, volunteer or staff member? Do you know an amazing person who deserves to be recognised for their outstanding achievement this year? 

The awards are open to everyone – individual, team, group or partner who has achieved great things through their relationship with Inspire. 

With 12 awards up for grabs, make sure you nominate for one of the following categories:


  • Adult Learner of the Year - open to all adult learners who have been on an inspirational learning journey
  • An Inspiration to Me - open to all who have been an inspiration and deserve to be thanked 
  • Creativity and Innovation - open to staff members, individuals and teams who have created a fantastic project, service or outcome
  • Customer Service Excellence - open to Inspire staff (individuals and teams) who have given exceptional service
  • Innovative Partnership - open to schools, organisations, groups providers or other services who have made an outstanding contribution
  • Inspired to Create - recognising the creation of new work supported by Inspire in the form of music, dance, writing, art, technology and heritage
  • Inspiring Reading - open to an individual, team or service who have inspired a customer or learner with a new love of reading
  • New Starter of the Year - open to new Inspire staff who have committed to the mission and values of the organisation
  • Tutor of the Year - open to all tutors who have made an amazing contribution to learning
  • Unsung Hero - a chance to highlight the fantastic contribution of those who shun the limelight but work hard for Inspire
  • Volunteer of the Year - open to all volunteers who have enriched Inspire's services and make a difference to their community
  • Young Person Greatest Learning Journey - recognising the amazing journey of Inspire's young learners

Don't worry if you're not sure which category to submit your nomination under - just let us know who deserves an award and what a difference they have made and we'll do the rest.

Nominate online today or pick up a nomination form from your local Inspire library.

Nominations close at 5pm on Fri 11 April 2025 and shortlists for each category will be published on Friday 23 May 2025. Winners will be announced at the Inspire Awards Celebration Evening at Mansfield Central Library on Thursday 26 June 2025.

Inspire Awards 2021 - 2023 Hall of Fame

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