Inspire Picture Archive
Browse 100s of images related to World War 2 in Nottinghamshire
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Download the PDF files below to read stories from Nottinghamshire veterans
who served and sacrificed during the war in Europe and also in the Far East campaign.
Browse 100s of images related to World War 2 in Nottinghamshire
Do you have photos, videos or documents from the World War 2 era? We can preserve these forever in Nottinghamshire Archives or online on the Inspire Picture Archive and help you to immortalise your family. Just complete our simple form here and attach your file.
Hear Mrs Wilson's memories of World War 2 and rationing
Watch our super-talented choir, Inspired Voices, with their compilation of We'll Meet Again and Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy
This project was created on behalf of the Lord-Lieutenant of Nottinghamshire to encourage secondary school children to research the lives of those who served in World War II.