Inspire Picture Archive
The Inspire Picture Archive makes it easy to browse and download thousands of images of Nottinghamshire.
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New features have been added to the Inspire Picture Archive - a unique resource of over 40,000 historical images of Nottinghamshire including bygone shops, favourite places to visit, historic sites and events.
Do you have photographs that reflect your life in Nottinghamshire in all its great variety? Would you like to see them added to our growing collection?
We would love to preserve them forever in Nottinghamshire Archives and online on the Inspire Picture Archive.
Snapshots of local life from all who have made their home here would help us to record the details of present-day Nottinghamshire life. Thank you!
It is easier than ever to upload an image and a description, click here to upload your photo or upload your photo using the form below then we do the rest!
So why not join in to tell the story of Nottinghamshire and be part of history?
Thanks to an Archives Testbed grant from The National Archives, we have worked to add mapping technology to the website. Now when you search, you will be able to choose either a view containing a list of images or a view of the images plotted on a map. From there, you can zoom in and out until you find the perfect image or choose to browse through the towns and villages of Nottinghamshire.
Simply go the site, create your own search, or select one of the curated tiles. Click on the “map view” icon to see your images arranged over Google maps. Select hotspots to zoom in further and enjoy more images.