Visiting Nottinghamshire Archives

Great news for family historians! Nottinghamshire Parish Registers are now available online at

Opening hours

Monday Closed
Tuesday 9am - 7pm
Wednesday 9am - 5pm
Thursday 9am - 5pm
Friday 9am - 5pm
Saturday 9am - 1pm
Sunday Closed

Tuesday 01 April 2025

Change to opening time.  Nottinghamshire Archives will open at the later time of 10:30am on this date.

Car park closure

Until further notice our car park is closed to the public and all visitors, including blue badge holders to facilitate the completion of essential building works.  Please use alternative city centre car parks.  We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause. (Notice updated 18 March 2025).

Our archives service

Our service is  fully open for walk in customers to view original archival documents, use microfiche and all document finding aids, and the public computers.

Remote services

We offer a  remote Reprographics and Research services , so you can request that we produce copies or do research on your behalf if you prefer not to visit in person. There is a charge for this service. See our Reprographics and Research pages.

Before you visit

Before paying the archives a visit, you can search Nottinghamshire Archives and Discovery online catalogues to check we have what you are looking for.  Please note that this is not an exhaustive list and not all records are currently available online. Contact us for further advice.

New collections are added all the time and from August 2022 Nottinghamshire Parish Registers are available online at


Tel: 0115 9581634

Search the archives catalogue

Search Discovery (The National Archives catalogue)


Our friendly team are happy answer any pre-visit queries you have, so please do contact us in advance for further advice and assistance with your research.

You may advance order up to 4 documents prior to your visit. Please email the document references you wish to pre-order. We accept advance orders up to 9am on the day before your visit (one working day).  If visiting on a Tuesday, this would be 9am the previous Friday.  For requests from uncatalogued accessions, we will require one week’s notice.

Accessing Original Archives

To look at original archives, or to use a computer, you will need an Inspire Library Card. You can apply for a library card in person when you arrive at Nottinghamshire Archives.

You will need ID that shows a printed name, address and signature (does not need to be on the same document).  Please bring this with you when you visit.

To activate an existing Inspire Library Card for Archives use, please bring ID showing printed name, address and signature into Nottinghamshire Archives the first time you visit.  You will need to show your ID every three years to access the original documents held within our collections.

Please note – a small number of documents are restricted, in whole or in part, because the information contained in them is personal data deemed sensitive under the Data Protection Act 2018 or other legislation.  Please contact us in advance to discuss any queries relating to restricted items or uncatalogued accessions.

During your visit

Archival documents:

We operate a timed document production system where you may make up to 4 document requests per collection point.  Please note that the last collection time is one hour prior to closing.

Documents are retrieved from the Strong Rooms hourly at 10:00, 11:00, 12:00, 14:00, 15:00 and 16:00 (with additional collections on Tuesday evenings only at 17:00 and 18:00)

You may bring only pencils, note paper and personal devices into the Secure Area. 

You may take your own photographs with your own device. An unlimited day camera pass is £13.00 and a weekly camera pass is £30.00.  Alternatively, we do offer a remote reprographics service where our staff can take photographs on your behalf.

Please be aware that there may be restrictions on photography for copyright or restriction period reasons.  Staff will advise if this is the case.

Hand sanitiser is damaging to archival documents.  If you do use it, please wait 5 minutes before you handle documents.  You will not be able to bring any liquids or food, including sanitiser, into the secure document area.

Lockers and refreshments:  Lockers are available for all customers.  If you are viewing archival documents, you must put personal items, including device bags, coats and bags, in a locker prior to entering the secure document area.

Light refreshments are allowed in the main area of the Searchroom and the visitors room only.

Microfiche resources:

Self-service microfiche readers are available.  Microfiche can be found in drawers in the Finding Aids area of the Searchroom.

Public computers: 

We have a suite of computers that are available for customers to use.  You will need an Inspire Library Card and pin number to access the computers.


Refreshment facilities - we have a small visitor’s room where customers may eat and drink, which has a coffee machine and a water cooler for customer use.

Car parking* – we have a limited number of spaces available for customer use.  Spaces are available on a first come, first served basis and you may only park if there is a designated space available.  If the car park is full, please use other city centre car parks.

*Customers with a blue badge can book an accessible car space.

Room Hire - Looking for a venue to host your meeting?  Find out more information on facilities, charges and how to book. 


We have the following facilities available:·       

  • Fully accessible search room.
  • Magnifying glasses available to borrow on request.
  • Visual Magnifier to enable those with visual impairment to view original documents (changes contrast and colours of text / background).
  • Induction hearing loop.
  • An accessible toilet.
  • Two accessible spaces in our car park which can be reserved by blue badge holders (please reserve at the time of booking).
  • Assistance dogs are permitted in all areas of the search room. 
  • Our staff can read and interpret documents through our paid Research Service.

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