Arts & Culture
Little Creatives
Join in the fun at home and see your little artist's confidence grow!
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We want to bring the library to you at home so we've been working with our staff to try and pull together some resources to keep you and your families entertained.
We'll keep updating this page as we create new activities for you and you can follow us on Facebook and Twitter - just search for @NottsLibraries where we'll post resources and ideas too!
We've also got a page signposting you to some fantastic resources from across the web - check them out here
Arts & Culture
Join in the fun at home and see your little artist's confidence grow!
Arts & Culture
Erin Fleming and Frances Stickley were the 2020 artist and author in residence for Inspire. Follow their residency and exciting digital collaboration here. This project is part of Inspire's Arts Council National Portfolio Organisation funded work.
What's On
Enjoy a specially recorded medley from award-winning jazz guitarist Rob Luft as part of our new Jazz Steps & Libraries at Home sessions. While we can't physically tour our wonderful Jazz Steps Live at the Libraries programme at the moment, we're working to ensure the show goes on . . . virtually!
Arts & Culture
Get crafty at home with these activity sheets linked to some of our past projects and exhibitions in libraries.
Arts & Culture
Join in with this years Charity Knitting Challenge #GetCreativeAtHome and see the brilliant past knitting projects.
Arts & Culture
Missing your monthly trip to our cinema? Why not watch some musicals and theatre at home for free!
Arts & Culture
Inspire library art galleries offer professional exhibition spaces that bring great art to local communities. You can now view our Virtual Exhibitions here!
An online publication to mark the 400th anniversary of the Mayflower voyage from Plymouth to the ‘New World’
Arts & Culture
Take a look at the events and activities below that we've programmed in order to achieve our ambitious plans to: create an exciting programme of arts and cultural activities and events for children, young people and their families