Adult Learning
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Published 19th July 2023
Following an inspection 6 – 9 June 2023, Inspire Learning has once again achieved a rating of ‘Good’ from Ofsted, solidifying its reputation as a high-quality education provider in Nottinghamshire.
This rating highlights Inspire Learning’s commitment to meeting the stringent requirements set by Ofsted and delivering an excellent standard of learning services.
Delivering adult learning and college courses for young people on behalf of Nottinghamshire County Council, Inspire Learning has a strong track record of success and a dedication to supporting learners of all ages, and continues to make a positive impact on the people of Nottinghamshire offering college courses and adult learning opportunities.
The inspection report recognised the valuable contribution made by the service to learners, with inspectors commenting on the calm, welcoming and inclusive environment for learners across the many settings that classes are taught in.
Leaders and governors were commended for their strong focus on widening participation, which clearly guides the courses and curriculum offered. Inspectors said “staff listen very closely to the needs of the community and employers, with leaders using this information to establish a clear purpose for their curriculums.”
commented: “adult learners value and appreciate their courses. Tutors’
supportive approach encourages learners, who are often nervous to take part in education,
feel confident to study.” Inspectors also found that "many courses provide learners, often with limited access to education, with better opportunities to do so."
Inspectors found that young learners enjoyed their studies and the small class sizes they study in, and that learners develop substantial new subject knowledge, and develop their personal skills and confidence so they can progress to further studies or work. However, the report also highlighted areas for improvement such as increasing learners’ attendance.
"I’m proud that Inspire’s learning programme has once again achieved a rating of Good from Ofsted. The positive feedback really shows the quality of our learning offer, and the value that the adult learning and college course provide to people throughout the county.”
“This is a fantastic outcome for us and reflects the hard work of our staff and the learners. Our offer is accessible across Nottinghamshire and is wider than ever, we encourage all those wanting to get back into learning or gain new skills and qualifications to consider becoming an Inspire learner.”
“I am very proud and pleased that our service has been assessed by Ofsted as being a ‘Good’ provider across every aspect of our delivery. I’m particularly pleased that our high needs learning has been recognised as ‘Good’, alongside our accredited adult provision, both of which were in their infancy at the last inspection in 2017."