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English Functional Skills; Entry Level - Mansfield Central Library - Adult Learning
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Published 22nd September 2020
An exciting new partnership between Inspire Learning and We Are Radikl will inspire the growth of women founded businesses through a FREE six week online course, ‘How to start your business – a short course for women’.
The course has been specifically developed for women looking to start their own business. Against the backdrop of the Covid-19 pandemic which has seen a dramatic rise in entrepreneurship, 1 in 4 women are now starting their own businesses. This could have a significant impact on local and national economies.
This new course is a must for any women who are considering starting their own business or who are in the first 0-6 months and who want to lay the right foundations. Whether you’ve been made redundant, are at risk of redundancy, are on furlough or have been on a career break, if you’ve got a business idea, this six week course will help you to start-up well!
Created and delivered by women for women, the course will fuel confidence, build business ‘know how’, help women to build connections, and inspire the creation of businesses they’ve only dared to dream about – until now. The economic impact of increased numbers of women-led businesses in the UK could be as significant as £250bn over the next ten years. There has never been a better time to support more women into entrepreneurship.
“We’re really excited about our partnership with Radikl. Covid-19 is having a huge impact locally, particularly on employment and we’re keen to develop partnerships that will allow us to help and support people into training and employment, and also self-employment. We hope the course, delivered as part of our Autumn programme of free short courses, will give confidence to the many women thinking about self-employment and starting their own business, and give them practical ‘tools’ to grow and pursue their ideas and aspirations.”
“This free course is perfectly timed given the situation we are currently in as a result of the pandemic. I’d encourage people to look into the details of the course and see if it’s suitable to help them on the next step to either setting up their own business, or, to help with return to employment. This is great partnership between Inspire and Radkil and I’m looking forward to hearing about its success.”