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Published 25th September 2019
The course is for anyone aged 19+ thinking about going to university. No GCSEs are needed to join the course and it’s a great study path for those who may have been away from education for a while.
has a 100% pass rate, offering some successful students a pathway to Nottingham
Trent University to further their studies.
Last year, Samira completed our course and will now go on to fulfil her dream of 22 years progressing to Nottingham Trent University to study Law.
Samira said: “I came a long way on the course thanks to the support of the students and tutors at Inspire. If I hadn’t done the access course with Inspire, I wouldn’t now be going to Nottingham Trent University. Thanks to the support from Inspire and everyone on the course I’m now able to go on to do what I’ve wanted for the past 22 years, go to university and study LLB Hons.”
If you want to go to university but don’t have the qualifications you need, get in touch with Inspire Learning today! We’re enrolling now for our courses at Beeston Library and The Old Library, Mansfield.
PLUS... you could get help to fund your course through a 19+ Advanced Learner Loan or flexible payment options.
Find out more, call 01623 476 830 or email