Changes to Library opening times

Published 11th July 2019

Opening times for some of our libraries will change from 1 September this year. The new opening hours follow a detailed review of current opening times and usage along with local knowledge and customer feedback.


Nottinghamshire County Council Chairman for the Communities and Place Committee, John Cottee said: “I am delighted that following feedback and after listening to our residents we are able to ensure that the County’s library services are open when people want to use them. 


“Our libraries are often the centre of a community and we want to make sure that everyone gets the chance to use and enjoy the fantastic facilities and services that are on offer.”


As the County Council’s cultural partner,  we are currently contracted to deliver 1,487 hours of public access to the library service per week.   The approved changes will increase this to 1,525 hours per week and will benefit library users across the county.

Changes to Library opening hours can be found here. To find out more details about your local library, events, programme and current opening times, click here

Please note, library opening times on external signage may not be updated at all sites from 1 September, please refer to posters in the library and the website

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