Looking Forward to Inspiring Learning in 2017

Published 19th January 2017

It was a year of big changes for us in 2016, including how we and our partners are funded.  CLASS also took its first steps into delivering Community and Family Learning courses, expanding the range of high quality learning opportunities on offer across Nottinghamshire and filling persistent and local gaps. 

One of the highlights of 2016 was the expansion of our Skills for Employment offer for young adults aged 16-19, which you can read about here.  

2017 will us see grow our Apprenticeship programme, develop new ‘lifestyle and leisure’ learning opportunities and launch our Building Better Opportunities project to support people into work across Bassetlaw and Newark & Sherwood.

Ian Bond, Nottinghamshire Community Learning and Skills Manager

Community Learning

Newark classroom 2.jpg

With a varied and quality programme of courses delivered by our skilled tutors in a relaxed and friendly environment there’s something for everyone! We currently have two exciting opportunities for our direct delivery learners to learn a new skill, socialise and have fun:

  • For a limited time, we are offering FREE tuition fees on all courses delivered  directly by CLASS. 
  • Every adult learner who completes their course in the Spring or Summer 17 term will be entered into a FREE prize draw to  win an Apple iPad. 

If you are interested in anything from Audio Production to DIY Wedding Decorations to Homeopathic First Aid you can find more details here.

What’s stopping you? It’s never too late to learn! Enrol today!

Higher Level Apprenticeships


We have newly launched our Level 5 qualification, the Diploma in Education and Training (DET).  DET is the equivalent of a post-graduate teaching certificate and is a stepping stone towards QTLS  (Qualified Teacher Learning and Skills), the award that allows holders to assume a teaching role in mainstream education.  

The course content combines practical and theory components and will be delivered from one of our sites in Nottinghamshire.   When the new standards are published for delivery, we will also offer the DET as part of this Higher Apprenticeship standard.

Our next step will be to develop a Management Apprenticeship (equivalent to Level 5) that we anticipate launching early in 2017. These apprenticeships are fully funded but you may have to undergo a short interview to establish current skills and relevant qualifications.

For further information, please contact Sue Heap on 01623 476606 or email susan.heap@inspireculture.org.uk

Building Better Opportunities (BBO)


CLASS has been successful in securing funding to become a hub co-ordinator on a Building Better Opportunities project called ‘Towards Work’, led by Groundworks, which will help people back into work or move nearer to the jobs market.  

New job coaches will be in place very shortly and will be supporting residents of Newark & Sherwood and Bassetlaw into training and employment.

The funding will support a variety of projects, ranging from improving employability, helping those with multiple and complex needs and finally, to improving financial literacy.

For further information, please contact class@inspireculture.org.uk


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