Jess Fisher - Time Stood Still

Jess Fisher is an established member the acclaimed Able Orchestra. At the Inspire Youth Arts annual showcase event, ShowFest, in February 2019, Jess performed a solo piece called Time Stood Still, using a wheelchair motion controller hooked up to specially developed software by Si Tew, which enabled her to create music via iPad and laptop.

Since this performance, Jess has gone on to work with lead artist Digit Music on the development of the award-winning Control One - a wheelchair controller that allows disabled artists to manipulate and create their own music and digital projections.

Jess has also performed alongside world-renowned beatboxer THePETEBOX at the Hockley Hustle event at Nottingham Contemporary, and has used the controller in headline performances across Nottinghamshire including Metronome in Nottingham as part of BBC Introducing.

Watch the video below for Jess's performance of Time Stood Still...