Arts & Culture
Family Concerts
Fun and accessible musical experiences for the whole family to enjoy. This season explore the origins of your favourite instruments at The Sounds of Music family concert.
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We’re delighted that Inspire is an Arts Council England National Portfolio Organisation (NPO), receiving regular funding to build on our successful programme of cultural events for children and young people. We first became an NPO in 2018, and we are thrilled that we remain part of the National Portfolio in 2023-2026, receiving £504,599 of funding each year.
We will:
Watch our NPO end of year trailer to find out what exciting things we got up to throughout 2023/2024.
Arts & Culture
Fun and accessible musical experiences for the whole family to enjoy. This season explore the origins of your favourite instruments at The Sounds of Music family concert.
Arts & Culture
Bringing high quality theatre to your doorstep at your local library.
Arts & Culture
Unleash your little one's inner artist!
Arts & Culture
Be transported to the legendary land of the Magical Major Oak in this playful and practical workshop from Nottingham Playhouse.
What's On
For mums and babies to relax and bond in a calm space. Sing and listen to melodies from around the world to soothe and uplift.
Arts & Culture
Meet Inspire's 2025 Artist and Author In Residence - Michelle Reader and Leanne Moden!
Arts & Culture
An enchanting and interactive show for ages 2 - 4 from Nottingham Playhouse.
Arts & Culture
Inspire Youth Arts deliver a range of arts activity accessible to young people with disabilities, and develop and innovate digital arts.
Reading & Libraries
I Am A Creator aims to provide high quality arts opportunities for people of all ages to explore their creativity. Each year will become a different 'I Am A...' theme, with I Am A Writer in year one, I Am An Artist in year two and now I Am A Storyteller in year three.