Little Creatives

See your little artist's confidence grow!

Our brilliant team of professional artists has expanded...

Thumbnail of 'Little Creatives' logo, 5 cartoon children engaging in arts and crafts activities.

Look out for our 5 talented Little Creatives artists, they have lots of exciting ideas to help early years' children learn new skills and have multi-sensory creative experiences.

Amy Lee Young, Clare Taylor, Edwina Kung, Roma Patel and Sian Watson Taylor are adding their expertise to our 2025 Little Creatives workshop programme - see below for a list of workshop dates and times! 

Meet our 5 artists:

Little Creatives Workshops

Aerial view of child's paint covered hands making hand prints

Little Creatives workshops will help your little one unleash their creative imagination and develop new skills as they splodge, splat, squidge and shine! 

We hope the ideas will inspire your little one to have fun with their own creativity and reach their own conclusions. Instead of making an end-product the sessions are intended to encourage families to enjoy the processes that lead to exploring, discovering and making together.

See your little artist's confidence grow!

Dates, locations and times of the upcoming Little Creative workshops.

Don't miss our Little Creative book!

Aerial view of the Little Creatives book

The Little Creatives book is available to borrow!

Inspired by the work of artists it is packed with ideas for fun activities to do at home - and it brings together the areas of learning that are important in the early years with creative play, imagination and the exploration of new materials. 

Supported using public funding by Arts Council England.

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