2021 Knittinghamshire: Exhibition Highlights

The 2021 exhibition gathered all the mini Robin Hood hat donations together, to show off their wonderful wooliness and celebrate the skill and generosity of Nottinghamshire knitters and crocheters.


The tiny hats could be seen from 20 July to 25 September 2021 in Edwinstowe Library and at Sherwood Forest Visitor Centre, both venues are on Robin's home turf. 

The project was supported by the Miner2Major Landscape Partnership Scheme and the RSPB at Sherwood Forest and is part of The Innocent Big Knit raising money for Age UK.

A forest of tiny hats...

Thank you - to a merry band of Nottinghamshire crafters for skilfully knitting and crocheting an awesome number of wonderfully woolly Robin Hood Hats, you have supported this year's charity challenge with your time and generosity - you are all amazing!

Thank you - for all the support and enthusiasm the project has received from Nottinghamshire's fabulously creative independent wool shops.

Thank you - to the talented Juliet Bernard, for designing the special patterns.

Total hats 2210

Why not pick up some knitting needles or a crochet hook and get making, download Juliet Bernard's tiny Robin Hood hat patterns and follow her helpful 'How To' videos for knit and crochet versions. 

Click on Knittinghamshire to find the patterns.

Knitting and crochet are great skills to learn, we hope the Inspire Charity Knitting Challenge Exhibition will inspire you to have a go. There's a range of Online Leisure and Culture Courses from Learning and Skills to suit new and more experienced knitters and crocheters. Click here to find a course. 

The Robin Hood hats from the exhibitions have now joined The Innocent Big Knit so they may adorn bottles of smoothie drinks in shops across the country from January - March 2023 and raise money for Age UK.

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