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2024 Care Squares: Exhibition Highlights
Wonderful woolly blankets, made with love in Nottinghamshire!
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Information about 'Wrapped' will be coming soon...
Knitting and crafting for charity has become an enormous
success in Inspire libraries. We support a different charity annually and 'call out' to
groups and individuals that want to take part. The theme
is announced in the spring and the resulting work is collected, exhibited and celebrated before it is donated.
Every year an army of you are prepared to give your time, skills, wool and lots of creativity to a charitable cause.
Thank you to everyone who has taken part since 2017. We think you should all be crowned the kings and queens of 'Knittinghamshire' for sure!
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Wonderful woolly blankets, made with love in Nottinghamshire!
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Cosy, comforting and homely woolly squares and blankets - a gift that will really make a difference!
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Make a unique embellishment to add style to any knitted or crocheted piece!
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Celebrate knitting, crochet and the amazing generosity of crafters across the county!
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Brave Bears, handmade 'hug buddies' for children in times of need...
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Megan urges us to keep things out of landfill, and inspires us with creative ideas for 'make do and mend'!
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Images and comments from the Twiddlers Exhibition, a 'delightful, joyous and heart warming array of knitted fabulousness'.
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The 2022 Inspire Charity Knitting Challenge is called Twiddlers! So dust off your knitting needles and crochet hooks, rummage in your yarn stash and get crafting for charity!
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Have fun making I-cord, knitwear designer Juliet Bernard's video workshops show you how.
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A forest of tiny hats hiding out in the home of Robin Hood.
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Inspire's 2021 charity challenge call out for crafters.
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Fun finger knitting workshops designed by knitwear designer Juliet Bernard.
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2020 was the anniversary year of the Mayflower journey, marking 400 years since the pilgrims left Nottinghamshire for America. We are delighted to share the results of this year's charity challenge in a virtual exhibition.
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Knitting and crafting for charity has become an enormous success in Inspire libraries. Take a look at our amazing past projects.