Arts & Culture
I Am An Artist: Exhibition at Mansfield Central Library
I Am An Artist is the second branch of our I Am A Creator cultural programme. I Am A Creator is fun…
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Meet Charlotte the Excavator. She loves Talking Rubbish, it’s her favourite subject!
Join Charlotte as she digs around at home, sorting through her rubbish. You will also meet her friends Mohsen and Aya. They share her passion for finding treasure in what other people throw away.
You'll be amazed at what they create in this wonderful world of rubbish!
For children aged 4 years plus and their families
Episode 1
Episode 2
Charlotte the Excavator has found a way to reduce her rubbish. Inspired by her friends Mohsen and Aya she's created a new puppy to play with their dog. But Mohsen and Aya have a new house guest who doesn’t like to recycle. Can Charlotte help?
Get Involved
Charlotte finds ways of making new, fun and unusual friends from things that get thrown away. We'd love to see what you make from your recycling - puppets, models, pets, friends, robots or rockets.
Share your photos with us.Tag us on Facebook or Twitter use #TalkingRubbish or you can email nicola@thesparkarts.co.uk
You can download ideas on creating recycled artwork below. Taken from The Spark Arts for Children's Creative Learning Toolkit
Edited by Sophie Huggins
Talking Rubbish has been commissioned for the Among Ideal Friends consortium, supported by Arts Council England.
About Theatre Rites
Award-winning company Theatre-Rites is a field leader in the creation of experimental theatre for children. Acclaimed nationally and internationally, their work stirs the imagination and stimulates thought. They specifically promote understanding and enjoyment of ‘object-led’ theatre and celebrate the power of visuals, puppetry and animation by working in collaboration with designers, visual artists, film-makers, puppeteers, musicians, composers, actors and dancers.