Heritage Talk: Historic Gardens of Nottinghamshire - Mansfield Library
This talk by garden historian Philip Jones draws on the wealth of gardening heritage remaining in t…
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To find out how we instil Green values in our staff and customers in our daily activity, click here.
Inspire is committed to promoting sustainability and our own sustainable development.
In the context of both the financial climate, and the increasing evidence, impact awareness of environmental change, sustainability is becoming a core consideration for organisations around the world.
For Inspire,
it is something which is embedded within the fabric of our vision, mission and
values, and concern for the environment and promoting a broader sustainability
agenda are integral to Inspire’s professional activities and the management of
the organisation.
Inspire recognises that it is more important than ever before that we increase our sustainable development efforts, to not only maintain our sustainability, but also ensure that we increase the positive contribution we make to the wider community.
Inspire will aim to follow, promote and embed good sustainability practices across the organisation in order to reduce the environmental impact of all our activities and to increase positive social and economic impacts of our work. We aim to do this through our Services’ delivery and how we operate internally our day-to-day functions.
This policy sets out the framework by which Inspire will undertake its approach to embedding sustainable actions throughout the organisation. Inspire will:
To facilitate a whole organisation approach, staff are invited to contribute to the design of our sustainability action plans to ensure that these are achievable and effective through practical ideas and experience gained on the ground. Initiatives to achieve sustainability will be shared and celebrated. This will be achieved by the Health, Safety & Environment Working Group.
The action plan will be delivered through the Health, Safety & Environment Working Group and monitored by ILT.
Reports on progress will be regularly provided to the Inspire Leadership Team, alongside periodic reports to the Inspire Board.
Inspire will aim to minimise its environmental impact by reducing consumption of energy and resources, whilst creating opportunities to raise awareness of environmental issues through reading, learning and cultural provision.
All Inspire staff and governance are required to be aware of and adopt this policy within their areas of responsibility and across the whole of Inspire. All are encouraged to share a sense of responsibility and purpose and collaborate to achieve Inspire’s sustainable development aims.
At a senior level, the Inspire Board has ultimate responsibility for the organisation’s continued sustainability and its environmental and societal contribution to the wider society.
Key areas of focus will be, but not limited to:
Date approved: 21 July 2016
Date amended: 8 October 2019
Date amended: 28 November 2023
Date reviewed: 19 November 2024 (no amendments)