Nottinghamshire Archives

Nottinghamshire Archives exterior

Important notices

Ask Inspire phone line disruption - Monday 3 March

Due to a temporary fault, callers to our Ask Inspire service may experience disruption whereby the call is disconnected prematurely. We are currently investigating this issue with our suppliers and hope to resolve it as soon as possible. We apologise for the inconvenience caused.

If you require support from Ask Inspire in the meantime, please contact them by email at and a member of team will be in touch soon.

Planned cancellation of East Route Mobile Library routes between 26 February - 7 March

The following East Mobile routes are cancelled over the next fortnight:

Wednesday 26 February - Route 6 cancelled

Friday 28 February - Route 8 cancelled

Monday 3 March - Friday 7 March - Routes 9,10,11,12 and 13 cancelled

Apologies for any inconvenience caused.

Library service and catalogue updates

Our libraries have recently migrated to a new system for managing stock and customer data, including a new online catalogue. Find out more and check for updates as we settle into this new way of working.